City Hall Stair & Basement Repairs

Bid Recipient

The Common Council of the City of Plattsburgh is requesting sealed bids for (2) Prime Contracts for the City of Plattsburgh City Hall Monumental Stair and Basement Repair located at 41 City Hall Place, Plattsburgh New York 12901.
1. General Construction Contract
2. Electrical Construction Contract

Bids will be received until 2:00P.M.EST on January 21, 2025, The Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time in the Common Council Chambers of Plattsburgh City Hall.

All Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes via hand delivery or common carrier with the name and address of the Bidder, the specific contract of the two (2) Prime Contracts listed in Section1.04(A) to which the bid applies, and “City of Plattsburgh-City Hall Monumental Stair and Basement Repair” clearly marked on the face of the envelope. Bidders submitting bids for multiple contracts shall submit a separate sealed envelope for each bid. The sealed envelope(s)shall be addressed to:

City of Plattsburgh
Office of Community Development
Plattsburgh, New York12901

Plans and Specifications may be found at:…

Publication Date/Time
Closing Date/Time
Contact Person
Mike Coon
1246 State Route 3
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Pre-bid Meeting
Business Hours
8am - 4:30pm